Parisa Kordjamshidi

Parisa Kordjamshidi

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Research Scientist

Parisa Kordjamshidi’s main research interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, information extraction and declarative learning based programming. She has done research on the extraction of formal semantics and structured representations from natural language, with a specific focus on spatial semantics representation and structured output learning models. Her current research is dedicated to declarative learning based programming (DeLBP). The goal of this programming paradigm is to facilitate programming for building systems that require a number of learning and reasoning components that interact with each other and receive data from heterogeneous resources. Such a language would help machine learning researchers as well as experts in various domains who are not experts in machine learning, to design complex intelligent systems and evaluate them. She tries to develop such a language and apply it on various application domains.

Kordjamshidi joined IHMC as a research scientist in July 2016, she has a joint appointment as an assistant professor of computer science at Tulane University. She received her PhD from KU Leuven University, in 2013 and was a postdoc in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign before joining Tulane and IHMC.

She is a member of Editorial board of Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). She has organized a number of international workshops and served as program committee of conferences such as IJCAI, AAAI, ACL-IJCNLP, COLING and ECAI. The results of her research have been published in several international peer-reviewed conferences and journals including ACM-TSLP, JWS, BMC-Bioinformatics, IJCAI.

Research Interests

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Declarative Learning based Programming, Knowledge Representation, Information Extraction, Extraction of spatial semantics from language, Big data, Text mining, Statistical Relational Learning, Structured Output Prediction.



M. Sammons, C. Christodoulopoulos, P. Kordjamshidi, D. Khashabi, V. Srikumar and D. Roth. EDISON: Feature Extraction for NLP, Simplified. LREC-2016.


Kordjamshidi, P., Roth, D., Wu, H. (2015). Saul: Towards declarative learning based programming. IJCAI2015. Download

Kordjamshidi, P., Roth, D., Moens, M. (2015). Structured learning for spatial information extraction from biomedical text: bacteria biotopes. BMC Bioinformatics 2015, 16:129. Download

Kordjamshidi, P., Moens, M. (2015). Global machine learning for spatial ontology population. Journal of Web Semantics, 30, 3-21. Download

Kordjamshidi, P., van Otterlo, M., Moens, M. (2015). Spatial role labeling annotation scheme. In: Pustejovsky J., Ide N. (Eds.), Handbook of Linguistic Annotation Springer Verlag. Download

Kordjamshidi, P., Massa, W., Provoost, T., Moens, M. (2015). Machine Reading for Extraction of Bacteria and Habitat Taxonomies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series, Springer-Verlag, 2015.

Y. Song, H. Peng, P. Kordjamshidi, M. Sammons, D. Roth (2015). Improving a Pipeline Architecture for Shallow Discourse Parsing. Proc. of the Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL2015) Shared Task.

Pustejovsky J., Kordjamshidi P., Moens M-F, Levine A., Dworman S., Yocum Z., (2015). SemEval-2015 Task 8: SpaceEval. SemEval2015. Download

Massa, W., Kordjamshidi, P., Provoost, T., Moens, M. (2015). Machine reading of biological texts: bacteria-biotope extraction. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on bioinformatics models, methods and algorithms. 8th international joint conference on biomedical engineering systems and technologies. Lisbon, Portugal, 12-15 January 2015 (pp. 55-64) SCITEPRESS, 2015. Download

Glavaš, G., Šnajder, J., Kordjamshidi, P., Moens, M. (2014). HiEve: A corpus for extracting event hierarchies from news stories. Proceedings of 9th language resources and evaluation conference. 9th language resources and evaluation conference. Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 May 2014 (pp. 3678-3683) ELRA, 2014. Download


Kordjamshidi, P., Moens, M. (sup.) (2013). Structured Machine Learning for Mapping Natural Language to Spatial Ontologies (Gestructureerd machinaal leren voor het omzetten van natuurlijke taal naar ruimtelijke ontologieën), 233 pp, July 2013. PhD thesis. Download

Kordjamshidi, P., Hois, J., van Otterlo, M., Moens, M. (2013). Learning to interpret spatial natural language in terms of qualitative spatial relations. In: Tenbrink T., Wiener J., Claramunt C. (Eds.), bookseries: Series Explorations in Language and Space, Representing space in cognition: interrelations of behavior, language, and formal models Oxford University Press, 115-146.

Kolomiyets, O., Kordjamshidi, P., Bethard, S., Moens, M. (2013). SemEval-2013 task 3: Spatial role labeling. Second joint conference on lexical and computational semantics (*SEM), Volume 2: Proceedings of the seventh international workshop on semantic evaluation (SemEval 2013). Second joint conference on lexical and computational semantics. Atlanta, USA, 14-15 June 2013 (pp. 255-266). East Stroudsburg, PA: ACL, 2013

Kordjamshidi, P., Moens, M. (2013). Designing constructive machine learning models based on generalized linear learning techniques. Proceedings of the NIPS workshop on constructive machine learning. NIPS workshop on constructive machine learning. Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, 10 December 2013 (pp. 1-5), 2013

Kordjamshidi, P., Moens, M. (2013). Structured machine learning for mapping natural language to spatial ontologies. International workshop on advances in regularization, optimization, kernel methods and support vector machines: theory and applications. Leuven, 8-19 July 2013, 2013.


Kordjamshidi, P., Bethard, S., Moens, M. (2012). SemEval-2012 task 3: Spatial role labeling. {*SEM 2012}: The First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics — Volume 1: Proceedings of the main conference and the shared task, and Volume 2: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation {(SemEval 2012)}: Vol. 2. SemEval-2012. Montreal- Canada, 7-8 June (pp. 365-373) ACL, 2012.

Kordjamshidi, P., Frasconi, P., van Otterlo, M., Moens, M., De Raedt, L. (2012). Relational learning for spatial relation extraction from natural language. In Muggleton, S. (Ed.), Tamaddoni-Nezhad, A. (Ed.), Lisi, F. (Ed.), Lecture notes in artificial intelligence: Vol. 7207. Inductive Logic Programming. Windsor, 31st July-3rd August (pp. 204-220). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.

Kordjamshidi, P., Moens, M. (2012). Spatial role labeling using structured support vector machines. Proceedings of 21st Belgian-Dutch conference on machine learning (BeneLearn): vol. 21. Belgian-Dutch conference on machine learning (BeneLearn). Ghent, 24-25 May, 71-71, 2012.


Kordjamshidi, P., van Otterlo, M., Moens, M. (2011). Spatial role labeling: Towards extraction of spatial relations from natural language. ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing, 8 (3), article 4, 36 p , Kordjamshidietal-ACM-TSLP-2011.pdf.

Kordjamshidi, P., Frasconi, P., van Otterlo, M., Moens, M., De Raedt, L. (2011). Spatial relation extraction using relational learning. Latest Advances in Inductive Logic Programming. ILP. Windsor Great Park, United Kingdom, 31 July-3rd August (pp. 1-6), 2011, ILP_4.pdf.

Kordjamshidi, P., Hois, J., van Otterlo, M., Moens, M. (2011). Machine learning for interpretation of spatial natural language in terms of QSR. International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT’11).Extended abstract.: Vol. Spatial Information Theory (technical report). COSIT. Belfast, 12-16 September (pp. 1-5), 2011, abstract_cosit.pdf.


Kordjamshidi, P., Moens, M., van Otterlo, M. (2010). Spatial Role Labeling: Task Definition and Annotation Scheme. In Calzolari, N. (Ed.), Khalid, C. (Ed.), Bente, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’10). Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation. Malta, 19-21 May 2010 ( KORDJAMSHIDI10.846) (pp. 413-420) European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2010, 846_Paper.pdf.

Kordjamshidi, P., van Otterlo, M., Moens, M. (2010). From language towards formal spatial calculi. In Ross, R. (Ed.), Hois, J. (Ed.), Kelleher, J. (Ed.), Proc. of 1st Workshop COSLI’10. Computational Models of Spatial Language Interpretation (COSLI). Mt.Hood/Portland, OR, USA, 15-August 2010 (pp. 17-24)., 2010, paper3.pdf.

   2008 and earlier

P. KordJamshidi, B. De Baets, G. De Tre. Prototype-based classification by fuzzification of cases. Proceedings of IPMU’08, pp. 1519-1526, Torremolinos (Malaga), June 22-27, 2008.PDF

G. De Tre, T. Matthe, P. KordJamshidi, M. Demoor (2007). On the Use of Case Based Reasoning Techniques in Flexible Querying. 18th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2007, 345-349.

Saeed Jalili, Parisa Kord Jamshidi. Active Learning with Labeled and Unlabeled Documents in text categorization (ITCC 2003), 28-30 April 2003, Las Vegas, NV, USA. IEEE Computer Society.PDF

Saeed Jalili, Parisa Kordjamshidi. Applying automatic active text classification in categorization of Iran’s Historical Documents. Conference of documents and history of Iran Dec 2002, Tehran, Iran (in Persian language).

Saeed Jalili, Parisa Kordjamshidi. Text categorization based on machine learning techniques. Conference of information technology and optimization of telecommunication industry, Sep 2002 Isfahan, Iran (in Persian language)

Saeed Jalili, Parisa Kordjamshidi. Active text classification and using unlabeled documents. International computer conference of computer society of Iran CSICC2003, Mashhad, Iran (in Persian language,pdf).

Parisa Kord Jamshidi, Getting to know the computer (for non_computer students), ISBN:964-8798-24-9, Summer 2006 (in Persian language)